One of the most exciting discoveries since the wall drawings of ancient cavemen… A testament to the humble beginnings of graffiti art and the level of pertinence to which the genre has risen.
Rumors of graffiti murals hidden in historic buildings throughout New York have been floating about the streets for years. Finally, after many years one of the ‘rumored to be’ relics has surfaced. Matthew Namer, inhabitant of a SoHo loft turned apartment, let his curiosity get the best of him one day and peeped behind a cabinet to discover what could be considered one of the most impressive graffiti murals from the era of the greats.
Futura 2000, Freddy 5 and even Basquiat himself, contributed to this piece of history which is now being preserved as record of the permanent shift in perception of graffiti from eye sore to fine art.
Photo from Associated Press
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Fuck that piece of shit William Porter! I hope he is dying in his own fecies, covered in cancerous tumors. Fuck his life and everyone he knows. Karma has a wicked way of playing itself out to those who cause so much pain.
God Bless the memory of our friend Tie/Seo-Jonathan See Lim.